Volleyball Court
We are excited to announce our upcoming events to fundraise for a new volleyball court to be put in at the bottom of the hill at Riddlewood! We wanted to create something to add countless more memories to be made at the pool. Ethan, one of the lifeguards at the pool has proposed and taken initiative of the idea!
“I’ve been going to Riddlewood for as long as I can remember and every time I walked up to the pool I saw the empty patch of land sitting right in front of the pool and I always wondered what could work there and benefit the community. So I proposed an idea to the swim club to build a volleyball court! Now Joelle, the pool, and I are working together to fundraise and construct a new volleyball court for our great community!"
We appreciate all your help!!
All proceeds made go towards funding the Volleyball Court. If you can't attend any events consider helping out by making a donation!