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Job Descriptions:



Hours: shifts are usually 4-5 hours between 11am - 8pm.  10-35 hours a week


Pay: hourly wages based on experience, certification or recertification REFUNDED*


Description: The primary purpose of the lifeguard is to guard lives and ensure the safety of all members. Safety in both the water and on the swim club grounds are of concern to and are a responsibility of the lifeguard. In addition to the duties associated with the safety of the pool and its members, the lifeguard is responsible for the routine maintenance and clean-up of the pool, grounds, and buildings At all times, the lifeguard will demonstrate respect and maintain a positive and courteous attitude toward all members, guests, and co-workers. Any and all conflicts must be immediately reported to the manager on duty.


*Certification refund requires working either July 4th or Labor Day and meeting a minimum number of hours 



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